
A Week In the Life

It's been a busy week, but I can't complain and God is always showering Logan and I with blessings so lately I have been truly thankful for the incredible life we lead. We are reading through the entire New Testament with our church this summer and I just feel more aware lately of the greatness of God. I thought I'd share a few exciting things that have happened this week, since it's been a busy one! (In no particular order.)

We celebrated Melly's (my wonderful mother-in-law's) birthday with a cookout and Logan's sister's house and getting to see his family and the boys was wonderful. Yes, that's Logan with (little) Logan just hanging out. :)

My college roommate is getting married this weekend (only six days left!!) to my long-time youth group friend, so last week was the celebration of Meredith. :) We had her bachelorette party on Friday night, followed by a lingerie shower on Saturday afternoon. I helped Danielle (my bestie and one of Meredith's bridesmaids) make bunting flags and decorate her apartment, so we FINALLY hung her window.. and you know. Did some other fun things. :) It was so beautiful when it was all said and done - and the shower was a blast!

As my contribution to Meredith's wedding, I of course had to do something crafty for her. :) She's getting married at a local mansion, so she wanted monogram "J&M" letters for the mantel at the reception (the ceremony is outside). So I found an awesome tutorial and set to work. So far, I've only finished the base shape of the J and I have the & and M front and back cut out, but next I'm going to paper mache the whole thing and paint it. I'll probably do a separate post later... I'm pretty excited with how they're turning out so far! :)

This was a picture of Danielle from Meredith's bachelorette party. We started the night at Bosco's and guess who was our waiter?! An old friend, Matt Bartley!! We were pretty excited. (And isn't my best friend just beautiful?!)

This past Friday we were honored to attend the wedding of one of my pledge sisters! She started the evening as Louisa Kinzer and left it as Louisa Lewis. :) I'm so excited for them - they had their reception at the Nashville Zoo and it was b-e-a-utiful! I just love seeing our friends share in the joy that we've been able to experience these past five months.

My zinnias are growing! It's hard to tell how fast it's happening (lately I feel like their growth is stunted?) but it's exciting nonetheless. I just love seeing what has grown from the tiny seeds I planted. I think I'll cry when I get a bloom. The power of nature is just an awesome reminder of God's immense beauty and power.

Yayyy!! One of my senior year apartment-mates started her job IN LIPSCOMB ADMISSIONS last week!! I couldn't be happier. I already am lucky to work with Danielle, but now that Molly is there too, well, it's going to be hard for work to get any more wonderful.

It's been an awesome week. We're in the process of buying a new car, so once that's taken care of it will be a huge relief. I also take the MAT next week and (crossing my fingers) if my score is high enough, all I have left for my MEd application is my interview!! Hooray!! :)

I hope that God is present and working in your life as he is in ours - what's been happening in your week that you're thankful for? :)

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