

Obviously I haven't done a very good job of keeping up with my blog while life passes me by. But I won't waste a post dwelling on that... because most people let blogs slip every now and then.

I am so thankful for everything in my life right now. God is blessing me daily in incredible ways and I continue to be amazed and humbled by His grace. So here's a snapshot of our life right now.

Work: Lipscomb is as wonderful as ever. I seriously work in the most fun-loving, hilarious, supportive, and loving community. The Office of Admissions really functions like a family. There's always a prank being played (our director likes to prank call people from a website he found, or put fake rats in peoples' offices...), a prayer request being lifted up, and a free meal to share. We're in the process of hiring two new recruiters and the interview process always reminds me of how thankful I am to work in such a wonderful environment. I really do mean it when I say that I have the best job ever. EVER.

School: My second class of my graduate career is quickly coming to a close. I assisted my friend Katie Callis yesterday in her elementary art classroom and it was a blast! However, after having observed elementary, middle, and high school I think I'm leaning toward high school. I know, I'm just as shocked as you are. I was positive that the younger kiddos would steal my heart, but I think my love of art will cause me to be frustrated by the limitations of the younger ages. Plus, I feel like I can really connect with high schoolers. Anyway. Classes are wonderful and I LOOOVEEE my classmates. They're quickly becoming like family!

Gracie: Oh my gosh she is OVER FORTY POUNDS! Where has the time gone? And the puppy?! She is as crazy as ever and beautiful and so unbelievably sweet. She's learned all the signs we've taught her so far SUPER fast so that's been great for us, and really cool to see. Deaf dogs are just as awesome as hearing ones! :) But really, I love her so much. We call her our pre-baby since she's our baby before our baby. If you follow me at all on Twitter or Instagram you know this already, so I'll spare you the mushy gushy reasons I adore her.

Verity: Growing up so fast! And getting more and more beautiful every day. I love that little girl more than I ever knew I could. And seeing my brother become a father has been so precious. She has him wrapped around her finger!

Logan: He is still my most favorite person ever. In the world. I literally wake up and go to bed every day astonished at how in the world I ever got so lucky. Being married to him is the greatest gift I've ever received from a person. And we are learning so much and enjoying this crazy adventure of companionship. I love him with all of my whole heart. Every last piece of it. His business is growing, which is awesome, and he's been SUPER busy lately with some crazy tight projects. But he's so good at what he does, it always gets done and looks great by the end of it. I'm so proud of him for proving that freelancers can actually make a great living and provide for their family. No, we are not starving. Although yes, we are artists. A lesson for all of you: artists CAN make money! Hooray! Anyway. He is wonderful as usual and life is good. :)

Lemon Tree: Oh boy. Lemon Tree. Ever since my favorite blog, Oh So Beautiful Paper, did a blog post on my invitations for Ashley Parrish (ahhhh Parrish!!! I love it.), I have been overwhelmed with inquiries for new business. Which is great, it really is. But it is EXHAUSTING. I literally cannot answer an email before another comes in. I couldn't even tell you how many inquiries I have pending... I can't seem to keep it straight because it changes every day. So it's wonderful and exciting, but a little overwhelming and I kind of feel like I'm drowning in a pool of lemonade. So that's great.. and crazy.. but I'm figuring it out. And of course I would love to someday do Lemon Tree full time (and visit the OoA and LU constantly... haha), so I'm trying to keep up with the growth and make it happen for me!

I think that's about all of the recap... I'm doing some illustrating on the side which is new and exciting, and I am beyond excited for the holidays. It's almost our one year anniversary already (can you believe it?!) and our first Christmas is only a couple weeks before. What a wonderful way to celebrate! I just can't wait. Logan and I are going to buy a (fake... boo) Christmas tree on Monday. We can't really handle a real   one with Gracie around, since she loves to eat leaves and sticks I guarantee you our tree would be gone in one day if it was real.

Oh my goodness! And I almost forgot!! I have officially been accepted to go on the trip to India that my church is sponsoring. Last April we raised money and planted two churches and a school in India, that have been growing ever since. The first group will go next May and I'M ON IT! I still have to work out everything for work and I'm crossing my fingers they'll let me go, but man. I am so excited at the prospect of returning to this incredible country to help do God's work there. Keep me in your prayers as I try to raise $3,000 in the next few months. I'm thinking I may make a Lemon Tree special fundraising suite or something... Anyway. SO happy. :)

I hope that was a sort of helpful catch up on our life here in Hartline land. I miss writing and posting and blogging... trust me, I have been crafting up a storm! Mostly for my friends out of state right now, but maybe I'll post on that later.

Much love and happy (almost) Thanksgiving!

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