
A Question.

Lately I feel burdened by all that I have filled my life with. Wonderful, beneficial, great things.

But too many things.

My question is: how do I live a simpler life without giving up anything?

Is that even possible? Or do I have to give something up in order to simplify my life and be able to enjoy the moments instead of stress about them?

My rationale:

Right now, my Lipscomb paycheck is one of the few absolutes we can rely on right now in terms of money. Logan makes plenty freelancing, but it comes at different times and sometimes we just need to know that my pay check is on the way, without fail. Also, I love my job. I love the people and the work, and I feel valued there.

Lemon Tree.
I think this goes without saying, but Lemon Tree is my baby. I have worked so hard to maintain my business despite having a full time day job, and it's growing consistently. How could I just cut that off right now? Especially when it's my dream to stay home and bring in some income through Lemon Tree when we have kids in a few years?

I am done in December. DECEMBER. And it's free! So why would I quit my masters just a couple months short of completing it... at NO cost whatsoever?

So what do you think? Do you have an answer? Am I just being stubborn, or can you offer me a solution? Or is the solution to grit my teeth and get through it until December when grad school ends?

Honestly, guys, I feel like I'm losing my mind.

And my heart in the process.


  1. boundaries. learn to say no at work to things that really aren't your job. remember it's not your life, just your job. :) ask God for wisdom about what to say no to. (another bonus of this is that it makes you feel like a loved and important person.) take on only your favorite lemon tree projects until december, and get someone to help you with things that don't have to be done by you. when you have to read or something for grad school, turn off your computer and make a reward like a dinner date with logan when you're done. i'm figuring out the same stuff right now! it's mostly important to enjoy your life. :) and you're SO CLOSE.

    1. Thank you so much! Just a little encouragement and someone saying "I'm right there with you" is sometimes all it takes for a perspective shift.

      Also: I'm sad we didn't get to catch up today. It was good seeing you!

  2. Replies
    1. Yay, yay, yay!! Share your wisdom with me!! I learn so much from your blog I can't wait to hear your thoughts.

      Wish you guys lived in Nashville (or we were closer). I'd love a double date!

  3. Jill,

    I know it has been a while, and I hope you are doing well. Last year, I was juggling so many things. A full time job, extra responsibilities at work, my dad's illness, and grad school. It is very hard. The only advice that I can offer is to stick with the things you love the most. During that time in my life, I had to decide what was most important, what couldn't I do without, and I chose being with my dad no matter what, and my students (the only thing was that my grad school was benefiting my students too :) ) You will never, ever regret spending time with those you love and putting off something like school work or work. It will be there tomorrow. Anyways. I say all that to say, when we remember whats important and make time for those things (God, your hubby, family), our life has meaning. Those things you love will be there tomorrow. So if you need a night off, take it, and go back the next day full force ready to face the challenges of those three amazing opportunities you have. Don't quit on school, you are SOOOOO close, and trust me, it is worth it. Finding the life's balance is tough, and there will always be times when we struggle. But you are already doing the right thing, reflecting and evaluating. Let me know if I can be of help, I visit Nashville frequently. Have a great semester, and I look forward to hearing about you finishing in December!

    Sarah Mercer

    1. Sarah!!

      Thank you so much for your encouragement. I replied to a friend's post earlier in this way, and I will say it again: it is SO encouraging just to hear someone else say "I"m there too!" or "I've done it before!"

      And I think I needed someone to just tell me straight up that PEOPLE are always more important than duties. That's what I've been missing lately. I feel like my life has become this long string of duties that I perform, rather than just cuddling with my husband and dog on the couch and enjoying their company just for the pure enjoyment of it.

      Thank you for reminding me of what is truly important.

      I would love to get lunch sometime when you're in town - it has been so long! It is so good to hear from you, and thank you again for your encouragement. It means more than I can say.

  4. Hi Jilly,

    As a law student with no job, no wife, and no small business, all of the following should be taken with a grain of salt...or seven.

    You have a job that you love and provides a reliable income. You can't walk away from that until LTPC can consistently deliver the same.

    Three cheers for entrepreneurship and small business! You have a great thing going, and again it is something you love. Continued growth of your business will lead you closer to where you want to be in a few years. Every new client, every job, and every opportunity is getting you closer to some long term goals. Don't stop now.

    It's free and it's over in 90ish days. Do the countdown thingy on the chalk board at home and at work. You'll beam walking across that stage in December, life will get easier, and that expertise will make you more appealing to employers if you ever decided to take that path.

    So I say do one of your fancy to do list, prioritize everything, have a game plan for every week, celebrate little victories, and just hunker down when you have particularly difficult days. It'll all get better in a few short months and then it'll be CHRISTMAS.

    You're smart, you have an awesome husband, great friends, and an awesome God who will all show up to walk with you every single day.

    AND if that does nothing to help, just think of Jaisharee and Piyas, and remember how hard they work on every single thing they do. Their workload makes mine look like a cakewalk. They motivate me everyday.

    Colossians 3:23

    You can do it. #TeamJill

    1. Pat!!

      You're right. And man, the J&P thing struck straight to my heart. Nothing I'm doing even begins to compare to what they're doing day in and day out (and in that HEAT!).

      Thank you for your sweet words. I think I'm going to copy your fifth paragraph and paste it on my wall. (With emphasis on the Christmas part!!)

      And you're right. I think I just feel like I'm missing out on the sweeter things in life, but maybe that's what I need to do right now. I'm thankful I have friends who can point that out to me and cheer me on as I go.

      Miss you.

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